Sunday, September 11, 2011

Catching up with things.

I have been at home for the past few weeks.  Trying to catch up on things that I have let go.  You, know, I can do that another day type of thing.  I was looking at my pictures and there were some that I had wanted to post, but didn't get around to it.  So, now is the time to do it while I am thinking about it.  It seems like when you get older, things tend to be put off easier.  My grandmother always had a "for now" room in her home.  I will just put this in the room "for now", she would say.  Now in my older years, I see what she meant.  I have designated a file on my computer as a "for now file".  I wonder how fast it will fill up?  One good thing about it, I can always hit the delete key and the room is clean.  Too bad that I can't do that at home.  What a wonderful thing that would be.  Maybe one day..
  On our travels back to Nevada we went through an area that the Missouri River runs through.  At first sight I thought that there was a large lake, but then I noticed a home sitting on a hill in the middle of it all and then tops of corn stalks sticking up out of the water. 
When I rolled down the window of the truck, the stench was something else.  The standing water and rotting plant life was not a very good combination
The water was right up to the road in many areas, as you can see from the next picture.

The road was breaking away in places.  There will be a job for the road crew when the water goes away.  I hope that there won't be anymore rain in the area.  It is odd how some parts of the country has more water than they know what to do with and others that have not seen a rain cloud for months.
Signs were put up so that people would know where the road was before the flooding.  At least the stop sign is still standing, for the time being.
The time home has been good.  Was able to meet with friends that I haven't seen for years, some I haven't seen since I graduated from high school.  I have found that even though years have passed, they have remained the same. 
Within the next few days I will be back on the truck, being a Truckwife, and enjoying the sights and sounds of the road.  I am looking forward to seeing the fall colors of the back roads.
So, until the next time I will see you on the otherside.

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